Middle School supplies are listed at the bottom of this page!
Organization is KEY in Middle School.  Make sure you keep a neat and tidy binder using subject dividers.  The agenda is your tool to keep you on track.  Use it daily.  Notes in your social studies (geography and history) and religion sections should be reviewed and studied for upcoming assessments on an ongoing basis.  This is expected to happen DAILY.  I will not write "study notes" each day on the agenda board!

You may contact Mrs. Foggo at:  dmorettifoggo@saintroseschool.com

The "Homeroom 6" Google Classroom is where docs are posted that need to be brought to school; as well as Covid info.

Middle School Supplies:  for all MS grades, due first day of school

For Homeroom:

paper towels


disinfecting wipes

bottle of hand sanitizer

General Supplies:

For Home AND School:


pencil top erasers

colored pencils

glue sticks



For School:


pencil zipper pouch

loose leaf paper 

500 index cards (3 x 5)

10 dividers


erasers (block)

dry erase marker

cloth/sock/eraser (for dry erase board)

5 book covers (stretchy cloth)  

Spanish/English dictionary

small manual pencil sharpener

pocket hand sanitizer 


One 3-inch binder (case it recommended, all subjects)    case it binder link

1 subject notebook (math)

1 subject notebook (science)

1 subject notebook (social studies)

1 subject notebook (music)

1 subject notebook (Spanish) 

1 subject notebook (religion)- gr 6 only (gr 7 & 8 have it already- can reuse if in good shape, if not, buy a new one)

One 1-inch binder (ELA) - 7th and 8th grade only

water bottle

3 face masks (1 to wear, 2 to have on hand)

beach towel (or outdoor cushion- must fit easily in locker)


TI- 30XIIS calculator

pair of dice

flatgame markers (25)- such as pennies

Additions for Art Class:  

16 ct Crayola Washable Watercolor

4 oz Elmer's Glue-ALL 

(2) Ultra Fine Black Sharpies

(2) Fine Black Sharpies


© Copyright Mrs. Foggo's Social Studies and Religion Classes